Many organizations have achieved success using special incentive programs with a focus on wellness, safety, loyalty, and more. Follow the 4 steps below when planning your next marketing items:
Identify & Target Your Audience
Identify and target your audience with each promotion and marketing campaign, think about who you want to reach, this will help you achieve better results.
[top customers, prospects, lost customer, employees, general public]
Purpose & Call to Action
Have a purpose in mind and include a call to action with a phone number, website, email or hashtag.
[brand awareness, trade show, new leads, customer retention, fundraising, increase referrals, be awesome]
Message & Use
Consider where you want your message to be viewed by your target audience.
[home, office, in the car, at an event]
Deliver with Care
Plan the delivery of your product. Ask us about special packaging options. Delivering an item in a gift box changes the perceived value of most items.
[in person, direct mail, trade show]